Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dolphin Tale

The book Dolphin Tale is a true story. One winter’s day in Mosquito Lagoon, Florida, Sawyer, an 11-year-old boy, discovers a wounded dolphin in the ropes of a crab trap. He names her Winter, and Sawyer helps her out of the trap, but the rope cut off the supply of blood to her tail. Then the Clearwater Marine Aquarium comes and takes Winter to their hospital. They ended up having to cut off her tale. It took her a long time to start to eat. Will Winter ever swim again?

One reason I like this book is because it is exciting. For example, when Winter keeps splashing Sawyer and then finally pulls him under the water, and they start to play.

 One reason I did not like this book was because it said on the front cover that it was based on the movie, but in the book they changed some of the best parts from the movie. For example, in the movie Sawyer goes home during the storm, but in the book he stays at the animal hospital.

After I read this book I decided to give this book 3 paws.

 Posted by: Soccergirl1